

On the Chess Board: Geopolitics and Cybersecurity

While the vast majority of cyberattacks are criminal activity rather than state-affiliated operations, these kinds of attacks are still incredibly important to understand and prepare for, should they come to yo...

August Newsletter
Monthly Newsletter

Consortium Networks Monthly Newsletter: August

This month’s edition of the Consortium Networks Monthly Newsletter is a huge policy roundup! Our semi-annual Washington Watch is out along with an overview of the current state of data privacy regulation ...

states data priv
Policy Explainer

A State-by-State Data Privacy Roundup

As it stands today, 11 states in the United States have passed comprehensive data privacy laws with many of these just going through in the first half of this year. Comprehensive data privacy goes hand-in-hand ...

insider threat

The Call From Inside the House: Understanding and Preventing Insider Threat

Insider threats pose significant risks to organizations of all sizes but are unfortunately often overlooked or misunderstood by security teams. These threats come from individuals with access to an organization...

Malware Spotlight

The Eye of the Storm: Malware in Focus

In June 2023, a Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) agency in the United States uncovered unusual email behavior, subsequently revealing a fresh espionage campaign connected to China. A month later, on Jul...

Summer 23 Washington watch-2
Washington Watch

Washington Watch: Summer 2023

Written by: Caroline Grace Parisher, Parsa Sedghi, and Sarah Mollin Introduction  Washington Watch is an amalgamation of executive, congressional, and judicial action on various topics within cyberse...

July NL-2
Monthly Newsletter

Consortium Networks’ Monthly Newsletter: July

Welcome back to the Consortium Networks monthly newsletter, now sent out on Monday. Hopefully, this change will help out with clearing out that inbox ahead of the weekend! Let us know what you think. Th...

MoveIT 2
News & Events

MOVEit Zero-Day Explainer Update

Article Update: Since the initial disclosure of the MOVEit zero-day vulnerability, the situation has evolved with significant updates and revelations surrounding the exploitation and the widespread impact of th...

Policy Explainer

This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

The Best Day March 3rd, 2023, was an exciting day in the cybersecurity regulatory space. A memo released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) marked the first federal mandatory cyber regulation outsi...

Malware Spotlight

Malware in Focus: Barracuda

The Barracuda Software company reported that their ESG (Email Security Gateway) software has been actively exploited since October 2022. This exploitation primarily affects versions 5.1.3001 through ...